Monthly Archives: January 2014

Some Images

NOTE: My FRiend with the helpful links, I tried to email you to ask if I could put the links on the blog but the email came back as undeliverable. Please advise. If it’s OK to contact you via email let me know and use an email address that’ll connect me to you.  Otherwise you can just comment here and let me know it’s just for me and not for posting on the blog. Thanks!


To aid in discussion on Free Republic I’ve got some close-ups of images, with brightness and contrast adjusted.

Image 1: Jacob Key inflating his life jacket. Notice his light brown ponytail blowing in his face, contrasting with darker hair:


Image 2: Jacob Key’s shirt. Same photo as above, adjusted to be darker. Notice it is a light-colored shirt with a pattern on it.


Image 3: The cabin before the crash. Notice that the person sitting across from Rosa Key has a light-colored shirt with a pattern:

CabinBeforeCrashImage 4: What Fuentes captioned “All Out” (following this will be close-ups from this photo)


Image 5: Fuddy and Yamamoto by the door


Image 6: Mystery woman with earring showing


Image 7: Mystery Woman with white shirt showing below shoulder. The large area at the front is not a life preserver; it is her arm. This is not Rosa Key, Fuddy, or the 74-year-old woman taken to Honolulu by the Coast Guard – the 3 women on the flight who together with the 6 men made up the total of 9 people that the reports all claimed were in the airplane. This is an unknown person we were not told about. By the process of elimination she must have been the person the Coast Guard flew directly to Queens Hospital even though the NTSB and Coast Guard have not accounted for her having any injuries and news accounts have hidden her existence.


Image 8: What Puentes captioned “Emergency Room”. Note the high cheekbones, shape of closed eyelids, mole and scar on the outside corner of the right eye, and absence of sunburn lines from sunglasses

Emergency Room

Image 9a: Puentes teeth. Dental records are used to identify people. Here is a photo that shows Puentes’ teeth. Note how the bottoms of the top front 3 teeth curve, unlike the teeth shown above.


Image 9b: Puentes sleeping (with his very cute little boy). Note the sunburn lines from this roofer’s sunglasses, the shape of the cheekbone, and the width and shape of his closed eyelids


Image 10: Puentes’ selfie; note the absence of a mole or scar on the outside corner of his right eye.

PuentesRightEyeImage 11:  Puentes captioned one similar to this as “Together”.  This was on a slide show and isn’t distorted as much so I’ll look at close-ups from this one.


Image 12: 70-something-year-old man. This isn’t Kawasaki (the pilot), Hollstein (the man who swam to shore), Yamamoto (Fuddy’s deputy director), Jacob Key, or Puentes. It has to the 70-ish-year-old who was pulled out of the water by Coast Guard rescue swimmer Mark Peer.


Image 13: As an example of the distortion I’ll show a close-up of the pic on Puentes’ facebook page,  of this same man. No matter how I try to adjust brightness and contrast I cannot get the flames off this man’s face in this photo:


Image 14: Yamamoto and Fuddy still together.

YamamotoFuddyImage 15: Puentes captioned this “Swimming Back”. (Note the person very close to shore. A close-up of her will be next.)

SwimmingBackImage 16: The person close to shore. This appears to be a light-skinned person with shoulder-length hair. Is this the mystery woman, with her hair loose? Who is this, and what became of her? Why is she so close to shore – even closer than Puentes who was trying to swim to shore?


It’s been suggested that this is Fuddy, because of the purple jacket and shirt she was wearing and the tinges of purple in the water surrounding this person. BelowFuddybeforecrash is a close-up of the photo that was taken of Fuddy shortly before she got on the plane to leave Kalaupapa that day. Note how the glasses reach all the way to the side of her face. Note the shortness and curliness of the hair. Note the shape of the bangs. There are tinges of purple in the water other places too, although it is more pronounced around her. This may be someone wearing purple, but I do not believe that can be Fuddy’s hair, face, or glasses. The size and shape of the dark portion is more the size and shape of an eye socket without glasses, and there are no bows showing. Mystery Woman 2, above, looks more like a young Ann Dunham. And no, I’m not suggesting that she’s been resurrected. It’s just the more fine-boned, fair-complexioned, smooth and thin-haired look.

Image 17  (the woman whose life jacket Puentes helped her get on. The video is blurry now; my son and I looked at practically every frame, by setting the speed to 1/4th speed, and the video that allows me to print a still image to a file skipped right past her full face, but I was able to catch a piece of it, and here it is):


This isn’t Rosa Key, Loretta Fuddy,  or Mystery Woman 1. Shall we call her Mystery Woman 3? Who knows which of these women is the 74-year-old. It doesn’t really matter. I can show you the faces of what seem to be  5 different women, and we were told there were 3 women on board. If I can see how long her hair is I can find out whether she could be the same person as Mystery Woman 2. If so, at the very least we’ve still got 4 women where there should be 3, and if the “mummy” is the 74-year-old woman then we could have as many as  6 different women where there are supposed to be 3.